The Smart Grid

Planet Earth is on the brink of an environmental catastrophe. Scientists are telling us we have only a few more years before the effects of manmade climate change become catastrophic and irreversible.

We can no longer wait for breakthrough technologies to save the planet. The saying is that nuclear fusion, a star in a jar, is an idea that is still 30 years away, and will always be 30 year away. Conventional nuclear fission plants cost billions and take a decade to bring to market. We're rapidly running out of time.

Wind and solar, however, are solutions that exist today. Married with a smart grid and low cost battery farms, we don't need to wait and hope for solutions that are still on the drawing board.

We've been hearing for years about the need for a smart energy grid. The electrical grid we have today was built long before modern technologies came to fruition. The internet has made instantaneous, worldwide communication possible at far lower costs over the last 30 years. We can use the same technologies to improve our energy grid.

A smart grid can offer us the same reliability that Cisco has provided to Ukraine and that the UK is implementing today.